Understanding Process Development of Antibody-Drug Conjugates in Preclinical and Early Phase Clinical Trials


  • ADCs have attracted significant interest as highly targeted and potent medicines in many therapeutic areas.
  • Development of ADCs have been complicated by the need to balance drug efficacy and safety, requiring extensive investigations into conjugation technologies and the resulting critical quality attributes of ADCs.
  • Mycenax offers a simplified and reliable platform for the development of ADC manufacturing processes, enabling accelerated preclinical and clinical development.



Attached  ⇒ Understanding Process Development of Antibody-Drug Conjugates in Preclinical and Early Phase Clinical Trials



  • ADCs have attracted significant interest as highly targeted and potent medicines in many therapeutic areas.
  • Development of ADCs have been complicated by the need to balance drug efficacy and safety, requiring extensive investigations into conjugation technologies and the resulting critical quality attributes of ADCs.
  • Mycenax offers a simplified and reliable platform for the development of ADC manufacturing processes, enabling accelerated preclinical and clinical development.



Attached  ⇒ Understanding Process Development of Antibody-Drug Conjugates in Preclinical and Early Phase Clinical Trials


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